
2023 – Survivor claims sexual abuse in Morningland

The events took place in Morningland, Long Beach, CA, in the 70s and 80s. The following paragraphs are from the original article posted in Signal Tribune. After decades of silence, a woman is sharing her story of growing up in Morningland, an alleged cult based in Long Beach, and accusing its...

Sri Donato’s Marriages & Children

When we were in Morningland, we did not know Sri Donato’s past, or hardly anything personal about her. While Sirisa, former member compiled information about Daniel Sperato aka Master Donato (here), this article shines light on Sri’s past presenting information from documents on...

Excerpts: About Sri Donato/Sri Patricia

There are many stories about this woman who co-created and changed the face of Morningland. She affected the lives of hundreds and will be remembered by many. The Gopis (Chokru, Saravati, Ona-Ali) and Kamazi X5 presented Sri Donato as a bonafide spiritual teacher, sharing only the good about her...

Sri Donato’s (Sri Patricia’s) Inner Circle & Coercion

Running an organization where members know nothing about the hidden activities of their leader creates very different realities and experiences within the group. This strategic structure can safeguard the leaders when their actions are exposed as no one would believe the victims. Below are excerpts...

Category - Our Stories

Former members of the Morningland Monastery/Community sharing personal experiences and opinions ranging from the 1970s all the way into the 2000s.