
Guru’s Ego

Some spiritual communities claim that a spiritual guru has no ego or they would not be able to embody such a large spiritual body of light and be free from emotions. Then there are similar claims of gurus having no personality, which is why they were able to achieve the said enlightenment in the...

2023 – Survivor claims sexual abuse in Morningland

The events took place in Morningland, Long Beach, CA, in the 70s and 80s. The following paragraphs are from the original article posted in Signal Tribune. After decades of silence, a woman is sharing her story of growing up in Morningland, an alleged cult based in Long Beach, and accusing its...

What Makes a Group a Cult

Cult survivors and writers Karla McLaren and Janja Lalich PhD (author of Take Back Your Life) outline the following four components that, in their opinion, create a cultic group: charismatic authority, transcendent belief system, and systems of control and influence. Another cult expert and...

Transparency – Life in Morningland in the 2000s

Transparency builds trust and encourages accountability. Those who use secrecy and deception to build trust know very well that if they revealed their workings, very few people would join or even trust them. If Morningland were transparent, their full history would not be a taboo but would be fully...

Donato’s Past & Private Investigator

Donato’s Marriage(s) This image is labeled August 29, 1968, however their marriage certificate is dated July 15th 1964 in Los Angeles County Below are pictures of Patricia and Donato at Disneyland. That’s Linny/Rada-Amie (their daughter (they also have a son Mark)) peering in from the left of...

Critically about Donato

I believe that uncritical acceptance and idealization of spiritual authority can perpetuate unhealthy relationships and contribute to a lot of suffering. My critique about Daniel Sperato aka Master Donato is based on...

Videos from 1977 and 1979

These videos were filmed by Brent B. All credit goes to him on these. The videos do not contain audio. Below you can see Sri Patricia (Sri Donato), former Gopis, Kamazi X5 when he was still Terry, and disciples (many...

Crazy Guru Crushing Ego?

“Physical, sexual, and psychological abuse are not teaching tools” (Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche) nor are they acts of compassion! CRAZY GURU? The first time I heard the term “crazy guru” was when the Gopis...

What the Gopis Said . . .

The Gopis mentioned below refer to Gopi Chokru, Gopi Saravati, and Gopi Ona-Ali. The same applies to Kamazi X5 who is, just like the Gopis, Sri Donato’s mouthpiece but is not explicitly mentioned below. DOGMA The...

Vasectomies in Morningland

Vasectomy is a form of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to your semen. It’s done by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm. Vasectomy has a low risk of problems and can usually be performed...

Who Joins Cults?

People do not join cults - they are recruited. Cult members are not stupid or weak-willed - large majority are highly intelligent, open-minded, adaptable, and often very idealistic.

Leaving a Cult

Leaving a cultic group seldom happens overnight. It is more like a slow creep, or, like Daniel Shaw writes, “death by a thousand cuts.” Sometimes ethical transgressions pile up, and one becomes too many...


PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE Psychological abuse involves the regular and deliberate use of a range of words and non-physical actions used with the purpose to manipulate, hurt, weaken or frighten a person mentally and...