
2023 – Survivor claims sexual abuse in Morningland

The events took place in Morningland, Long Beach, CA, in the 70s and 80s. The following paragraphs are from the original article posted in Signal Tribune.

After decades of silence, a woman is sharing her story of growing up in Morningland, an alleged cult based in Long Beach, and accusing its leaders, some of whom are still in power, of sexually abusing her as a teen.”

Between the ages of 8 and 22, Tease’s life revolved around a religious sect in Long Beach—Morningland. . . . By the time they were 16, Tease said that she and her sister were “fully submerged” into Morningland, spending all day at the compound, often not being able to leave until well after midnight. Her mother had been asked to do the same, but told clergy she had to continue working to provide for her children. Unbeknownst to their mother, Morningland leaders had pulled the girls out of high school.”

“When they were 14 years old, Tease and her twin sister were initiated into a Morningland order called the Daughters of Isis. Tease told the Signal Tribune that this was when Morningland clergy began to instruct the twin girls to watch pornography, grooming them for sexual abuse. . . Tease claims that Patricia would order the twins to have sexual relations with her, as well as with other high-ranking clergy members.”

“Once her children reached legal adulthood at 18, Judy [Tease’s mother] said she was kicked out of Morningland. One night around 1984, 25 members, Judy among them, were told they were no longer welcome at the compound without any explanation. She’s still not sure exactly why. “They kicked her out and then they had full access to us,” Tease said. “My sister and I became concubines at that point […] It was extremely, extremely painful, though no blood was shed, it was extremely painful.”

“At 22, Tease said she was subjected to her last, particularly brutal sexual assault at the hand of Patricia, which finally convinced her to leave Morningland in 1986. . . . While Patricia has since died, Tease said three of her abusers are currently in charge of Morningland.”

In the video below, Frankie Tease shares her experiences in Morningland. (Trigger Warning for sexual and trauma-related content)

If you or a loved one would like to share a personal story about the religious sect with the Signal Tribute, please send an email to kristen97naeem@gmail.com

Below is Morningland’s ad published in LA Weekly, promoting their 1980s in-house band. Please note the name of the order associated with the band – the Daughters of Isis.